Seats and Sofas by New Impact

Seats and Sofas

Seats and Sofas

Seats & Sofas approached New Impact to develop and provide advice on their national media campaigns (TV, radio and digital) in Belgium.

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Case study


The complex Belgian media landscape is difficult to navigate for an international group headquartered in the Netherlands. Furthermore, there is a language barrier in southern Belgium. Our task was to advise the client on media use while also giving the spots a Belgian look and feel.

What we did

We provided the client with insight into the Belgian media landscape and assisted them in making a decision out of a wide range of options. Besides that, we gave existing Seats and Sofas commercials a Belgian look and feel, but most importantly, we created new commercials that exude experience and generate sympathy for the brand.


Director: Jochen Decostere
Producer: Nelson Cauwenberghs
Director of Photography: Bert Degraeve
Designers: Pieter Van Wilder
Editor: Kevin Cools
Executive Producer: Jean Paul Snoeckx

Client: Seats and Sofas

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Concept creationCopywritingCinematographyLocation huntingFilm productionCastingSound design