AREA53 • Team Building • New Impact



Team Building

New Impact's goal for AREA 53 was to create a fun, positive image. We made a sitcom starring actual AREA 53 staff, written and directed by Sarah Leemans, blending colleagues with their roles.

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Case study


The most important goal for AREA 53 was to create something FUN. The activities they offer—bowling, indoor surfing, e-karting, etc.—are pretty self-explanatory. What was important for them was to create a positive image: Wow! Not only is this place great fun, but the team behind it is also really great!

What we did

The idea of creating a small sitcom in the style of "The Office" quickly took shape. An important element: the actual AREA 53 colleagues would play the roles! Who better to involve than writer and director Sara Leemans? We organized the castings in parallel with the writing, which helped Sara create the perfect blend between the colleagues and their roles. The results speak for themselves!


Director: Sara Leemans
Producer: Lynn Huyghe
PA: Stephan Van Roey
Director of Photography: Ilona Vanouplines
Sound: Toon Echelpoels & Steven Van Roy

MUA/Styling: An Cornelis

Editor & Graphics: Kevin Cools

Executive Producer: Jean Paul Snoeckx

Client: AREA 53
Location: AREA 53 Mortsel


Concept creationCopywritingCinematographyFilm productionSound design