water-link • Employer Branding • New Impact


Employer Branding

Authenticity is key when making an employer branding video! What makes the job of a technician easy to like is when you see a nice working environment with fun and sincere colleagues. Luckily at water-link these are all easy to find and nicely capture in a short video with a positive vibe.

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Case study


The challenge lied in showcasing the authentic work environment and culture of water-link, a company that values the well-being and camaraderie of its technicians. The goal was to create an employer branding video that effectively communicated the positive aspects of working at water-link, making it an attractive destination for top talent.

What we did

To address this challenge, we created a series of short, engaging videos that highlight the unique aspects of water-link's work environment. We captured the technicians in their natural setting, showcasing the fun and sincerity of their interactions. The videos feature a mix of testimonials from employees, showcasing their experiences and the company's commitment to creating a positive work environment.


Producer: Lynn Huyghe
Director of Photography: Wietse Nys

Editor: Wietse Nys

Executive Producer: Jean Paul Snoeckx

Client: water-link

  • water-link-employer-branding01
  • waterlink02

Film production